European Commission
2016. “The Commission’s Services: A Powerful Permanent Bureaucracy,” co-authored with Christian Rauh, The Institutions of the European Union, edited by John Peterson and Dermot Hodson. Oxford: OUP.
2013. The European Commission of the 21st Century, with Michael Bauer, Sara Connolly, Renaud Dehousse, Hussein Kassim, John Peterson, and Andrew Thompson. Oxford: OUP, 381pp.
- Introduction: The European Commission in Question
- Chapter Four: What Officials Believe. And Replication data.
2012. “Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive their Institution’s Role in the EU”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (1): 87-111. Replication data.
2005. “Many Roads Lead To International Norms, But Few Via International Socialization. A Case Study of the European Commission”, International Organization, 59 (4): 861-898. Replication data.
2002. The European Commission and The Integration of Europe: Images of Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, XI + 279pp. Data:
2000. “Euro-Socialists or Euro-Marketeers? Contention about European Capitalism among Senior Commission Officials,” Journal of Politics, 62 (2): 430-454.
2000. Consociationalists or Weberians? Senior Commission Officials and the Role of Nationality,” Governance, 12 (4): 397-424.
1999. “Supranational Activists or Intergovernmental Agents? Explaining Orientations of Senior Commission Officials towards European Integration”, Comparative Political Studies, 32 (4): 435-463.
1999. “Images of Europe: Orientations to European integration among Senior Commission Officials“, British Journal of Political Science, 29 (2): 345-373.