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Beyond the diploma divide — Field of education and ideological divisions among college educated, with Gary Marks, Jonne Kamphorst, and Julia Schulte-Cloos. SSNR #  5072375 (November 2024).

How does the education cleavage stack up against the classic cleavages of the past? with Gary Marks. West European Politics (first online, Feb 6 2025) || Online Appendix|| Harvard Dataverse for replication material.

Division on the Christian right: Republican pastors and the use of force, with Stephanie N. Shady and Gary Marks. Politics and Religion (online first, October 2024) || https://doi:10.1017/S1755048324000191 || Online Appendix

Field of education and political behavior: Predicting GAL/TAN voting, with Gary Marks and Jonne Kamphorst. American Political Science Review (accepted, April 2024, First View Aug 2024) || Online Appendix || Additional information || Harvard Dataverse for replication material:

The Russian threat and the consolidation of the West, with Gary Marks, Ryan Bakker, Seth Jolly, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova. European Union Politics (online first, March 2024) || DOI: 10.1177/14651165241237136 || Expert survey data || Online Appendix || Replication data.


How crises shape circles of solidarity, with Jeremy Ferwerda, Gabriele Magni, and Gary Marks. Comparative Political Studies (online first, May 2023) || || Replication data

Transformation of the political space – A citizens perspective, with Ruth Dassonneville, and Gary Marks. European Journal of Political Research (online first, April 2023) || || Online Appendix and Replication data.


Discovering cooperation: Endogenous change in international organizations, with Tobias Lenz, Besir Ceka, Gary Marks, and Alexandr Burilkov, Review of International Organization (online first, Dec 2022) |||| Online Appendix || Replication data

Differentiation in the European Union and beyond, with Gary Marks. European Union Politics (online first, September 2022) ||

The social roots of the transnational cleavage: Education, occupation, and sex, with Gary Marks. RSCAS Working Paper 2022/53 (July 2022) || Online Appendix

Revisiting party system structuration in Latin America and Europe: Economic and socio-cultural dimensions, with Cecilia Martínez-Gallardo, Nicolás de la Cerda, Jonathan Hartlyn, Ryan Bakker, and Gary Marks. Party Politics, (2022), 1-13, (online first, April 2022). DOI: 10.1177/13540688221090604

The social bases of political parties: A new measure and survey, with Gary Marks, David Attewell, Jan Rovny and Marco Steenbergen. British Journal of Political Science, (2022), 1-12, (online first, Feb 2022). DOI:10.1017/S0007123421000740 || Replication data  

Contesting Covid: The ideological bases of partisan responses. European Journal of Political Research, (2022), 1-10, (online first Jan 2022). DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12510 || Replication data.


Chapel Hill Expert Survey trend file, 1999-2019, with Seth Jolly, Ryan Bakker, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, and Milada Anna Vachudova, Electoral Studies, 75 (online publication, November 2021|| published Feb 2022). DOI: Dataset:

Multilevel governance and the coordination dilemma, with Gary Marks. In  A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance, edited by Arthur Benz, Jorg Broschek, and Markus Lederer. Edgar Elgar, 19-36.

Cleavage theory, with Gary Marks, David Attewell, Jan Rovny. In: The Palgrave Handbook of EU Crises, edited by Marianne Riddervold, Jarle Trondal, and Akasemi Newsome. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 173-94.

The Territorial Architecture of Government, with Michaël Tatham and Gary Marks. Governance, 34(3):607-620 (online first, May 2021DOI: 10.1111/gove.12603.

Language difference and regional authority, with Sarah Shair-Rosenfield, Arjan H. Schakel, Sara Niedzwiecki, Gary Marks, and Sandra Chapman-Osterkatz. Special Anniversary Issue of Regional & Federal Studies, 31(1): 73-97 (Online first Oct 2020). DOI: Online appendix || replication data (stata 15)

The RAI Travels to Latin America: Measuring Regional Authority under Regime Change, with Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, Gary Marks. Regional and Federal Studies, 31(2): 236-260 (online first, July 2018). DOI:


Who opposes the EU? Continuity and change in party Euroscepticism between 2014 and 2019, with Ryan Bakker, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova. LSE Blog, June 1.

The changing political landscape in Europe, with Gary Marks, David Attewell, Jan Rovny. In: The EU Through Multiple Crises, edited by Maurizio Cotta and Pierangelo Isernia. London: Routledge, 20-44.

A Postfunctionalist Theory of Multilevel Governance, with Gary Marks. Contribution to a Breakthrough Symposium on Multilevel Governance. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 22 (4): 820-26. DOI:

Multilevel Governance, with Gary Marks and Arjan H. Schakel. Chapter 11 in Comparative Politics, edited by Daniele Caramani. Oxford University Press, 193-210.


Grand theories of European integration in the Twenty First Century, with Gary Marks. Journal of European Public Policy, 26 (8): 1113-1133.

A Theory of International Organization, with Tobias Lenz and Gary Marks. Oxford: OUP. Book (unofficial version) || Table of Contents || Introduction & Foundation || The Basic Set-Up

Is Liberal Intergovernmentalism Regressive? A Comment on Moravcsik (2018), with Gary Marks, Journal of European Public Policy, online first, Feb 2019 + Supplementary Appendix on Sources for Choice for Europe.


Re-engaging Grand Theory: European Integration in the 21st Century, with Gary Marks. RSC Working Paper.

Cleavage Theory meets Europe’s Crises: Lipset, Rokkan and the Transnational Cleavage, with Gary Marks, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (1): 109–135.

Contested World Order: The Delegitimation of International Governance, with Gary Marks and Tobias Lenz, Review of International Organizations, online first, Nov 2018,

The RAI travels to Latin America: Measuring Regional Authority under Regime Change, with Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, Gary Marks. Regional and Federal Studies, online August. DOI: 10.1080/13597566.2018.1489248

Symposium: Measuring and Theorizing Regional Governance, with Kent Eaton, JP Faguet, Imke Harbers, Arjan H. Schakel, Gary Marks, Sara Niedzwiecki, Sarah Shair-Rosenfield, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz. Territory, Politics, Governance, online March 2018


Measuring International Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol. III, with Gary Marks, Tobias Lenz, Jeanine Bezuijen, Besir Ceka, Svet Derderyan. Oxford: OUP. Book – unofficial version || Table of Contents ||  From Concept to Measure ||  Sample IO profiles: EU profileASEAN profile.
Explaining the Salience of Anti-elitism and Reducing Political Corruption for Political Parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey Data, with Jon Polk, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Gary Marks, Seth Jolly, Jelle Koedam, Filip Kostelka, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova. Research & Politics Jan-March: 1-9. Dataset:


Community, Scale, and Regional Governance: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol. II, with Gary Marks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 195pp. Book – unofficial version || Table of Contents || Introduction || Designing Jurisdictions || Differentiated Governance || Five Theses on Multilevel Governance.

Measuring Regional Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol.I, with Gary Marks, Arjan H. Schakel, Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 687pp. Book – unofficial version || Table of contents || Measuring RAI_ch1-3 || Sample country profile: North America

Regional Dispute Settlement, with Karen Alter. Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, edited by Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse. Oxford: OUP, 538-58.

The Commission’s Services: A Powerful Permanent Bureaucracy, co-authored with Christian Rauh, The Institutions of the European Union, edited by John Peterson and Dermot Hodson. Oxford: OUP.


Multilevel Governance and the State, with Arjan H. Schakel and Gary Marks, in Oxford Handbook on the Transformation of the State, edited by Stephan Leibfried, Evelyne Huber, John Stephens. Oxford: OUP, 266-82.

Measuring Party Positions in Europe: The Chapel Hill Expert Survey Trend File 1999-2010, with Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Seth Jolly, Gary Marks, Jonathan Polk, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova, Party Politics Vol. 21 (1): 143-153. Dataset:


A Comparative Measure of Decentralization for Southeast Asia, with Sarah Shair-Rosenfield, and Gary Marks. Journal of East Asian Studies 14(1): 85-108. Regional authority by region and by country [save as].

The Rise of Supranational Courts in International Organizations, paper with Jeanine Bezuijen, Svet Derderyan, Emanuel Coman. Unpublished.

Patterns of International Organization: Task specific vs. General Purpose, with Tobias Lenz, Jeanine Bezuijen, and Gary Marks. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 49/2014: S136-161.

Delegation and Pooling in International Organizations, with Gary Marks. Review of International Organizations, 10 (3): 305-28 || Replication data [save as] and Online appendix.


Beyond Federalism: Estimating and Explaining the Territorial Structure of Government, with Gary Marks, Publius,43 (2): 179-204 Online Appendix. Replication data in stata and spss [save as].

The European Commission of the 21st Centurywith Michael Bauer, Sara Connolly, Renaud Dehousse, Hussein Kassim, John Peterson, and Andrew Thompson. Oxford: OUP381pp. Data: H. Kassim || Introduction: The European Commission in Question || Chapter Four: What Officials Believe || Replication data


Politicization, with Gary Marks, Handbook on the European Union, edited by Erik Jones, Stephen Weatherill, and Anand Menon. Oxford: OUP, 840-53.

To Dichotomize or Not Dichotomize: A Reply to Proksch and Lo, with Gary Marks and Marco Steenbergen, European Union Politics, 13 (2): 334-39.

Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive their Institution’s Role in the EUJournal of Common Market Studies, 50 (1): 87-111 ||  Replication data (save as)


The Rise of Regional Authority: A Comparative Study of 42 Democracies (1950-2006), with Gary Marks and Arjan H. Schakel. London: Routledge. Book — unofficial version.

Reliability and Validity of the 2002 and 2006 Chapel Hill Expert Surveys on Party Positioning, with Ryan Bakker, Anna Brigevich, Catherine de Vries, Erica Edwards, Gary Marks, Jan Rovny, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova, European Journal of Political Research, 42 (4): 684-703. Replication data (save as) || Dataset:


Postcommunist Politics in a Magnetic Field: How Transition and EU Accession Structure Party Competition on European Integration, with Milada A. Vachudova, Comparative European Politics, 7(2): 179-212 || Replication data (save as).

Efficiency and the Territorial Structure of Government, with Gary Marks, Annual Review of Political Science, 12 (May): 225-241.

A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus, with Gary Marks, British Journal of Political Science, 39, 1, 1-23. [Responses by Philippe Schmitter, Hanspeter Kriesi, Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse].


Double Special Issue: Regional Authority in 42 Democracies, 1950–2006: A Measure and Five Hypotheses, with Gary Marks and Arjan H. Schakel. Regional and Federal Studies, 18 (2-3), 111-302

European Union?” with Gary Marks, Anniversary issue of West European Politics, 31 (1–2), 107 – 129.


Editor (with Gary Marks) of double special Issue on “Sources of Euroskepticism: Table of Contents,”’ Acta Politica, 42 (2-3): 119-354.

Editor of special Issue on “Euroskepticism, Parties, and Public Opinion: Table of Contents,” European Union Politics, 8 (1): 5-150.

Cross-Validating Data on Party Positioning on European Integration, with Gary Marks, Marco Steenbergen, and Ryan Bakker, Electoral Studies, 26 (1): 23-38. Dataset:

Do Expert Surveys Produce Consistent Estimates of Party Stances on European Integration? Comparing Expert Surveys in the Difficult Case of Central and Eastern Europe, with Gary Marks, Robert Rohrschneider, Marco Steenbergen, Milada Vachudova, Stephen Whitefield, Electoral Studies 26 (1): 50-61.


Europe’s Blues: Theoretical Soul-Searching After the Rejection of a European Constitution, with Gary Marks, PS: Politics and Political Science, 39 (2): 247-50.

The Neofunctionalists Were (Almost) Right: Politicization and European Integration, with Gary Marks, in The Diversity of Democracy: Corporatism, Social Order and Political Conflict, edited by Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 205-222.

Party Competition and European Integration in East and West: Different Structure, Same Causality, with Gary Marks, Moira Nelson and Erica Edwards, Comparative Political Studies, 39 (2): 155-75. Replication data (save as).


Does Identity or Economic Rationality Drive Public Opinion on European Integration? with Gary Marks, PS: Political Science and Politics, 37 (3): 415-420.

Contrasting Visions of Multi-Level Governance? with Gary Marks, in Multi-Level Governance, edited by Ian Bache and Matthew Flinders (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 15-30.

Belgium: Hollowing the Center, In: Federalism and Territorial Cleavages, edited by Ugo Amoretti and Nancy Bermeo. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 55-92.

Globalization and the European Union – Shared Governance on a Regional Scale, In: The Impact of Globalization on Federal Systems, edited by Harvey Lazar and Hamish Telford. Montreal: McGill University/Queen’s University Press, 283-327.


Europe Divided? Elites vs. Public Opinion on European Integration, European Union Politics, 4 (3): 281-305 || Replication data (save as)

Unraveling the Central State, But How? Types of Multi-Level Governance, with Gary Marks, American Political Science Review, 97 (2): 233-43.

Belgium: From Regionalism to Federalism, In: The Territorial Management of Ethnic Conflict, edited by John Coakley. London: Frank Cass, 73-99.


Does Left/Right Structure Party Positions on European Integration? with Gary Marks and Carole Wilson, Comparative Political Studies, 35 (8): 965-989.

The European Commission and The Integration of Europe: Images of Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, XI + 279pp. Book — unofficial version. Link to the data.


Multi-Level Governance and European Integration, with Gary Marks. Lanham, M.D.: Rowman & Littlefield, XVI + 240pp. Ch 1 + Ch. 2 +Ch. 3 + Ch. 4 + Ch. 5 + Ch. 6 + Ch. 8 + Ch. 10.


Making of A Polity. The Struggle over European Integration, with Gary Marks, in Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism, edited by Herbert Kitschelt, Gary Marks, Peter Lange and John Stephens. Cambridge: CUP, 70-97.

Supranational Activists or Intergovernmental Agents? Explaining Orientations of Senior Commission Officials towards European IntegrationComparative Political Studies, 32 (4): 435-463.

Images of Europe: Orientations to European integration among Senior Commission Officials, British Journal of Political Science, 29 (2): 345-373.


EU Cohesion Policy and Competing Models of European Capitalism, Journal of Common Market Studies, 36 (4): 457-477.

La Belgique vue du Canada,’ In Où va la Belgique?, edited by Marc Swyngedouw and Marco Martiniello (Paris: l’Harmattan), 237-247. Also published in Dutch: ‘België bekeken vanuit Canada,’ In Belgische toestanden: de lotgevallen van een kleine bi-culturele democratie, edited by Marc Swyngedouw and Marco Martiniello (Icarus/ Anthos, 1998), 186-193.


A House with Differing Views: The European Commission and Cohesion Policy, In At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission, edited by Neill Nugent. London: MacMillan, 89-108.


Europe With the Regions: Channels of Subnational Representation in the European Union, with Gary Marks, Publius 26 (1): 73-92.
Cohesion Policy and European Integration. Building Multilevel Governance, editor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 458pp.

    • Introduction: Reconciling European-wide Policy with National Diversity. Oxford: OUP, 1-26.
    • Building a Europe with the Regions: The Changing Role of the European Commission. Oxford: OUP, 89-128.

European Integration since the 1980s. State-Centric versus Multi-Level Governance, with Gary Marks and Kermit Blank, Journal of Common Market Studies, 34 (3): 341-378.

Europe With the Regions: Channels of Subnational Representation in the European Union, with Gary Marks, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 26 (1): 73-91.


Subnational Mobilization in the European Union, West European Politics, 18 (3): 175-198.

Belgian Federalism and the European Community, In Regions in the European Community, edited by Michael Keating and Barry Jones. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 134-165.


De relatie Brussel/ Brusselse rand-Vlaanderen: institutionele aspecten, [Territorial Politics around Brussels: An Institutionalist Perspective.] in De Problematiek van de Brusselse Rand, edited by Els Witte. Brussels: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 384-410.

By-Passing the Nation-State? Regions and the EU Policy Process, with Michael Keating, in European Union: Power and Policy Making, edited by Jeremy J. Richardson (London: Routledge), 216-229 [several revisions].


Van het Martelarenplein naar het Schumanplein. De invloed van Europese integratie op de intergouvernementele relaties in het Belgisch federaal model, [Impact of European Integration on Intergovernmental Relations in Belgium.] in Scenario’s voor de toekomst, edited by Wilfried Dumon, Guido Fauconnier, Rudolf Maes, Esther Meulemans. Leuven: Acco, 35-58.


A Leap in the Dark: Nationalist Conflict and Federal Reform in Belgium. Ithaca: Cornell University Press—Western Societies Program, N.27, 129pp.

Executive Federalism in Canada. Brussel: Studiecentrum voor Federalisme, N.3, 74pp.


Separatisme: Conflict Tussen Twee Projecten voor Natievorming [Separatism: Conflict between Two Nation Building Projects]. Leuven: Afdeling Politologie, 451pp.