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2023How crises shape circles of solidarity, with Jeremy Ferwerda, Gabriele Magni, and Gary Marks. Comparative Political Studies (online first, May 2023) || || Replication data

2023Transformation of the political space A citizens perspective, with Ruth Dassonneville, and Gary Marks. European Journal of Political Research (online first, April 2023) || || Online Appendix and Replication data.

2022Differentiation in the European Union and beyond, with Gary Marks. European Union Politics (online first, September 2022) ||

2021. Cleavage theory, with Gary Marks, David Attewell, Jan Rovny. In: The Palgrave Handbook of EU Crises, edited by Marianne Riddervold, Jarle Trondal, and Akasemi Newsome. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 173-94.

2020. A Postfunctionalist Theory of Multilevel Governance, with Gary Marks. Contribution to a Breakthrough Symposium on Multilevel Governance. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 22 (4): 820-26.

2019. Is Liberal Intergovernmentalism Regressive? A Comment on Moravcsik (2018), with Gary Marks, Journal of European Public Policy, online first, Feb 2019 + Supplementary Appendix on Sources for Choice for Europe.

2019. Grand theories of European integration in the 21st Century, with Gary Marks. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(8): 1113-1133.

2019. A Theory of International Organization, with Tobias Lenz and Gary Marks. Oxford: OUP, in press. Table of Contents.

2018.Re-engaging Grand Theory: European Integration in the 21st Century,” with Gary Marks. RSC Working Paper.

2018. “ Cleavage Theory meets Europe’s Crises: Lipset, Rokkan and the Transnational Cleavage,” with Gary Marks, Journal of European Public Policy, 25 (1): 109–135.

2017Measuring International Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol. III, with Gary Marks, Tobias Lenz, Jeanine Bezuijen, Besir Ceka, Svet Derderyan. Oxford: OUP. Table of Contents.

2016Community, Scale, and Regional Governance: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol. II, with Gary Marks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 195pp. Table of Contents & Chapter 7.  

2016Measuring Regional Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Vol.I, with Gary Marks, Arjan H. Schakel, Sara Niedzwiecki, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 687pp. Table of Contents & Chapters 1-3.

2012. “Politicization,” with Gary Marks, Handbook on the European Union, edited by Erik Jones, Stephen Weatherill, and Anand Menon. Oxford: OUP, 840-53.

2009. “Efficiency and the Territorial Structure of Government,” with Gary Marks, Annual Review of Political Science, 12 (May): 225-241.

2009. “A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus,” with Gary Marks, British Journal of Political Science, 39, 1, 1-23. [Responses by Philippe Schmitter, Hanspeter Kriesi, Borzel and Risse].

2006. “Europe’s Blues: Theoretical Soul-Searching After the Rejection of a European Constitution,” with Gary Marks, PS: Politics and Political Science, 39 (2): 247-50.

2006. “The Neofunctionalists Were (Almost) Right: Politicization and European Integration,” with Gary Marks, in The Diversity of Democracy: Corporatism, Social Order and Political Conflict, edited by Colin Crouch and Wolfgang Streeck. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 205-222.

2004. “Does Identity or Economic Rationality Drive Public Opinion on European Integration?”” with Gary Marks, PS: Political Science and Politics, 37 (3): 415-420.

2000. “Optimality and Authority: A Critique of Neo-Classical Theory,” with Gary Marks, Journal of Common Market Studies, 38 (5): 795-816.